Le Groupe Vaudoise reprend Prevanto

Vaudoise Assurances Holding SA a acquis le 29 avril 2024 100 % du capital-actions de la société Prevanto SA, active dans le conseil aux institutions de prévoyance publiques et privées en Suisse. Cette reprise vient compléter celle de Pittet Associés SA en 2019, entité...

OFAS Study : update as of the end of 2022

Following the study carried out for the Federal Social Insurance Office (OFAS) in 2022 on the effects of interest rate trends on the financial capacity of the Swiss 2nd pillar, the Swiss Finance Institute (SFI) and Pittet Associates updated their calculations and...

FSIO study : the German version is available

In 2022, at the request of the Federal Social Insurance Office (FSIO) and in collaboration with Prof. Olivier Scaillet (University of Geneva, Geneva Finance Research Institute, Swiss Finance Institute), Pittet Associates carried out a study on the “Effects of a...

Takeover of SLPS actuarial activity

We are pleased to inform you that as of 1 January 2023, Pittet Associates will welcome occupational pension and actuarial experts of Swiss Life Pension Services (SLPS) to its various offices as new employees of Pittet Associates. The latter are currently...